Things got pretty hot at Three River's Harley Davidson last weekend, and not all the heat was coming from the sun. I never wear sunglasses on a shoot (they interfere with seeing how the light falls), but I have no rules against shorts. Nevertheless, I was in heavy long pants, and within an hour I was red and sweating, wishing I could take some clothes off.
Luckily for everyone, the Harley bikini contest girls were under no such constraints. They were all lovely, but for the record, I correctly guessed that Nikki would win.
Did you know girls in bikinis make terrible mechanics? They'll overcharge you every time!
There were some other girls there too (with untested mechanical skills):
Always on the lookout for creative opportunities, I find I'm increasingly gravitating toward portrait work. My method is simple:
1) Look for interesting people
2) Stalk them relentlessly
3) Contort my body into the least comfortable position possible and hold it for several seconds to several minutes, waiting for the subjects to do something interesting -- and for the guy messily eating a hotdog in the background to get out of the (*@&#$@ way
4) Slather on the Ben Gay while I pick the best shot